
How to take notes from a book

In my quest to ‘change buckets’ (aka retrain/change professions/change industries), I am working on developing more effective and time-efficient systems of note-taking to learn and retain what I’ve learnt from books, self-help guides, articles etc. Why note taking? Note-taking is...
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How to improve your focus by managing emotions

I must admit I have been struggling to maintain focus lately. I am very much using my declutter your mind method (described in detail here) and working with Pomodoro, which does help to some extend. Unfortunately, it is not so...
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4 essential elements of effective learning

I had an interesting discussion on effective learning with one of my students recently. It looks like some of the teaching methods in medical school have changed since I was a student, but they still make future doctors sit through...
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How to declutter your mind and improve your memory in 3 simple steps

Do you find yourself juggling many thoughts, ideas or to-dos at the same time? Do they pop into your mind, when you’re busy with something else? Do you find yourself forgetting more and more? Yeah, been there many times. Once upon...
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Shapeshifting and helping you become who you want to be

Are you tired of wishy-washy, padded out with ‘inspirational fluff’ self-help advice on achieving your goals and becoming who you want to be? Disappointed with the results of all those ‘super-learning-train-your-brain’ methods that didn’t deliver on the promise? Too busy...
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